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Gmail Officially Adds Undo Send, Turn It On Right Now

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Source: gizmodo

Gmail Officially Adds Undo Send, Turn It On Right Now 1309995504349511715

Do you ever wish that there was an undo button for email? Gmail has offered this experimental feature for some time now. Six years, in fact. But today it’s officially a regular part of Gmail.

No more accidentally sending that killer turkey burger recipe to your boss when it was intended for your aunt. How embarrassing! Was your strongly worded email to the neighborhood association about Mr. Vanlandingham’s obnoxious mailbox colors a bit too strongly worded? Just click undo and delete all those what the fudges and holy shoots. Problem solved!

So how do you enable Gmail’s undo feature? Go to the little cog icon in the upper righthand corner and select “Settings.” About a third of the way down the page you’ll see the “Undo Send” section. You can choose between 5, 10, 20 and 30 second windows of unsendability. Make sure you hit “Save Changes” at the bottom and you’re all set.

Then, the next time you hit send on an email that you probably shouldn’t have, you’ve got precisely that many seconds to change your mind and hit the undo button at the top of the page. Decide after 31 seconds that maybe you shouldn’t call your sister’s new boyfriend a dull, shit-breathing knobhead for spilling his entire Zima over your head at last weekend’s barbecue? Well, you’re out of luck in that case, friend. Technology can’t solve all your problems.


Woow... The ability to undo send?? Really great... I guess Gmal have done great to add this great feature, Undo Send, to the other option.. Now i guess with this feature, you undo messages sent to email you don't intend or sent as a "Accidental Send".. This feature is really going to save a lot o people's head from being rolled....

That's why i love Gmail.. They try to make emailing easy and simple... This is technology at its rise and Gmail is just giving all of us another chance to rethink before and after sending a particular killer message.. Technology can't solve every problem but this can definitely save someone's job and hence his livelihood....Really great stuff there Gmail....


Yeah... But you only have 30 seconds to undo a SEND. You would have to act fast. Better still, watch to whom you send what. It's not bad....at least comparing to instant messaging.

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