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Your sign and your money relationship

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1Your sign and your money relationship Empty Your sign and your money relationship Tue Nov 18, 2014 6:19 am


While your entire birth chart needs to be taken into account for an in depth understanding of your relationship to finances, the archetypes of the zodiac do convey important information that can help to empower you when it comes to money.

ARIES: Ruled by Mars, you have an extremely powerful will, and if you focus it in the direction of increasing your bank account with the fiery passion of which you are capable, you can pretty much write your own ticket. You can be a pioneer and prefer to be in charge; as you thrive on challenge, you may be drawn to the path of an entrepreneur. When working as part of a team, strive for a cooperative spirit. You can also be impulsive, which works if you operate from a place of intuitive connection, but if not, you may later need to recoup losses incurred from acting in the heat of the moment. Remember: Balance passion with grounded discipline and be a leader.

TAURUS: The first of the Earth Signs, Taurus is associated with money and material resources. You are naturally tuned in to the fundamental role finances play in life and can be extremely savvy when it comes to creating the security you instinctively seek. Tangible goods make sense to you; many of your sign make business and finance their profession. Just avoid obsession with money for its own sake, so that your natural common sense goes out the window and you slip up due to misplaced greed. Remember: Work with money as an artist works with clay; it is a tool - not an end in itself.

GEMINI: Your mind is razor sharp and you are a brilliant communicator, so fields related to the exchange of ideas or expression may suit you professionally. As one who travels in wide circles, you may come across novel avenues for financial development. You are wise to seek professional guidance regarding financial planning, as you can be drawn in several different directions at once. You thrive on novelty, and may impulsively take risks that you really cannot afford, or nervous tension may cloud your judgment temporarily. Remember: Freedom to explore the corridors of knowledge and experience requires financial security.

CANCER: Security is central to your most basic orientation; family, hearth, home and the ability to feel safe are primary motivations for you. As a result, Cancer natives are extremely resourceful. You may have some business endeavors on the side, in addition to your primary profession, but as an emotional Water Sign, success flows when you allow your natural inspiration to guide you. That may be in creative fields, though many of your sign work in the world of finance in some capacity. Remember: success depends upon emotional balance. Nurture yourself in healthy ways.

LEO: As the king of the zodiac, you are inherently oriented towards the finer things in life and know how to enjoy the riches of the world. You are also a natural leader, and are well suited to executive positions in which you head up a team. You need a profession in which you feel truly appreciated; your power needs to be recognized for you to function to maximum capacity. Passionate and dramatic, you are wise to do what it takes to stay practical and grounded when it comes to speculation. With discipline and skill, you can be a kingpin. If motivated by ego gratification, you may not. Remember: Enjoy what money can buy and be generous; indulgence for its own sake is beneath your dignity.

VIRGO: As an Earth sign you have a built-in practicality and understanding of the material foundation upon which the rest of life rests. Virgo is the sign of ‘work,’ in the wheel of the zodiac, and key to your self-esteem is the ability to apply marketable skills in the work place. Without that feeling of security, your finely tuned system can overload with stress. Any field that calls for insight, precision, craft or health related skills suits the Virgo archetype. It is important to keep anxiety to a minimum, so do what it takes to create a workable strategy. Don’t be too inhibited to ask for help. Remember: Self -worth relates to material resources.

LIBRA: Venus, your ruling planet, relates to money and the pleasures it provides, and your finely tuned sensibilities require a healthy dose of physical comfort. You may be prone to periods of indulgence and corresponding frugality – the scales are ever moving in the perpetual quest for balance. Fields related to the arts, politics, psychology, event planning and public relations work are suited to the Libra archetype. As an air sign you often need grounding, and the down-to-earth practicality of a responsible advisor is helpful when it comes to finances. Remember: Balance requires a secure base; use your mind to get that foundation in place.

SCORPIO: The Scorpio mystique can extend to your finances; you may feel guarded and secretive around the subject of money. Your ruling planet, Pluto, is the ancient god of Wealth, and you can tap into that power to generate the resources you need. You have the ability to focus intensely and when your desire is strong can achieve just about any result you seek. The arts, psychology, investigation or healing are all classic Scorpio fields. Control is extremely important to you, so positions of leadership or working solo are a good fit. Scorpio rules the underworld, so avoid temptations to pursue less than safe or ethical money making ventures. Remember: you are the captain or your ship; you are the master of your soul.

SAGITTARIUS: Your quest for justice, truth and idealistic principles might draw you to study law. Other practical Sagittarian fields include teaching or travel related industries. Your interest may be so caught up in the present, however, that the cold, hard necessities of financial security may not play a large role in your life plan, especially as a young person. Your ruling planet is Jupiter, the planet of abundance, and an element of good fortune does tend to follow you. You are better suited than most to a free-spirited lifestyle, and lucky for you, with plane tickets and books costing money, the chips can fall your way at precisely the right time. Remember: Fortune favors the wise, positive and grateful.

CAPRICORN: Saturn, your ruling planet, governs this material world and the hard, fast realities it presents, so even the wildest Capricorn has a built in instinct for practicality and the bottom line. Ambition to achieve greatness is woven into your DNA, and you have the discipline necessary to make your dream a reality. As long as your emotional foundation is strong, you can accomplish anything. Your temperament requires a healthy dose of joy to balance that serious Saturn energy. Tell yourself it’s for the sake of work, and allow yourself some fun. Remember: Your ambitious spirit will always find another mountain to climb.

AQUARIUS: You are a visionary, and bring the future into the present. Technology, social service, science or any area through which you can express your unique genius suits the Aquarian profile. You are not materialistic, but understand that changing the system requires money – it is a means to an end, for you. You may leave the financial details to someone else, but if that fails are more than capable of mastering any necessary skills to generate and manage money. Younger Aquarians may benefit from using their visionary glasses to look down the road into their adulthood. Remember: Money gives you choice and freedom.

PISCES: There are practical Pisces out there, with all their worldly affairs squared away, but those fish have other forces to thank for that. Pisces rules the subtle realms of spirit and the world beyond, so the cold, cruel world of economics may seem overwhelming to your sign’s intensely sensitive nature. Once you wake up and realize that you need to make money, however, you can be profoundly resourceful. Any creative work, healing or psychology related fields are a classic match for Pisces. The gentle fish are wise to get straight with money early on: instead of getting lost in a cloud of dreams, use those dreams to inspire you to action. Protect yourself and your delicate nerves. Remember: The universe has your back; connect with your soul and anything is possible.

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